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After Hours Clinic

Our Family Health Team group provides after hours coverage for our patients on Mondays through Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday

If you are unable to get a same day appointment with your family doctor and need medical attention, you may use the after-hour services. 

If you require urgent consultation outside of the hours listed below, you can call

Telephone Health Advisory Service (THAS) at 1-866-553-7205

Emergency cases should always go to the Emergency Department.

For urgent concerns, please call 416-849-1334 to make an appointment with the physician on call at the After Hours Clinic during the following times: 

Mondays through Thursdays: Call between 4:00pm to 7:00pm for an appointment after 5:00pm

Saturdays: Call from 8:30am to 2:00pm for an appointment after 9:00am

Sundays: Call from 8:30am to 11:00am for an appointment after 9:00am.

You will be given location information and an appointment time when you call.
The locations are all close to our office.