Contact Us

      Our office is located at 1333 Sheppard Ave East, Suite 330

PHONE (416) 497-6444              FAX (416) 497-4793

Southeast corner of Leslie and Sheppard

The closest subway station is Leslie station

There is paid parking on site, please take your ticket with you to

pay for parking in the main lobby of the building before you leave

OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9-5pm(phones are answered until 4pm), Friday 9-3pm (phones are answered until 2pm)

For medical emergencies please go to your nearest emergency department or dial: 9-1-1

For urgent medical concerns please call our after hours clinic at 416-849-1334 Monday-Thursday from 4:00pm-7:00pm and
Saturday or Sunday from 8:00am-11:00am. After hours care is closed on all statutory holidays.

For medical concerns outside of office hours contact the Telephone Health Advisory Service: 1-866-797-0000